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Wayne County Sheriff’s Office Leverages Brother Thermal Paper for Top Quality in Mobile Printing
Get the case studySee why the right mobile printer paper is the smartest investment every time.
Mobile printers are the future for today’s law enforcement agencies. This simple, smart technology empowers them to save time on traffic stops, improve paperwork accuracy, and boost revenue. That means they can focus on what they do best: serving and protecting our communities.
But when it comes to printing everything from eCitations and warrants to parking violations and legal paperwork, busy officers don’t just need reliable mobile printers. They also need quality paper supplies that won’t wear, fade, or prompt frustrating printer issues on the road.
The Wayne County Sheriff’s department learned from experience just how important it is to use a high-quality thermal paper with their in-vehicle mobile printers. Having deployed Brother mobile printers in their patrol cars for over 10 years, the department was experiencing issues with the quality of their printed tickets and documents. Read their story to find out why switching from third-party supplies to Brother genuine thermal paper was the answer to their mobile printing problems. Then discover how Brother thermal paper and other leading supplies can help ramp up your department’s ROI, too.
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