Friday Jones, a renowned tattoo artist who studied under the grandfather of tattoo art Lyle Tuttle, has built an extensive list of clients that includes Oscar winners, musicians, and super models. Now, she has turned her attention to performing mastectomy tattoos for women who have battled with breast cancer and been left with scars. Watch how Friday and other tattoo artists have embraced a movement to empower cancer survivors – helping transform scars, encourage healing, and create beauty.

More about the S8 Tattoo Stencil Printer from Brother

The revolutionary S8 Stencil Printer from Brother delivers quality thermal printing that’s specially configured and packaged with S8 Tattoo supplies to create and print clean, consistent stencils nearly anywhere. With this surprisingly portable, lightweight printer, artists can easily print from any computer, laptop, or mobile device via USB, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth® connectivity.

“I’ve taken that printer over 6,000 miles through four countries, and it is a beast machine. There’s no place I can’t tattoo now, and no jobs are too difficult to pull off.” – Friday Jones

See how Day Denver empowers breast cancer survivors with free tattoos